AHSBA opens 2019-20 fishing season this weekend

The Amateur High School Bass Anglers high school and middle school fishing league gets started this weekend with the first of eight tournaments. The 2019-20 initial event will begin with a 7 a.m. blastoff from the boat ramp at Gatewood Park Saturday on Lake Allatoona. At least 41 boats have signed up for this year’s opening tournament which sets a new league mark. Twelve of the 41 boats will carry junior anglers representing middle schools with the other 29 carrying high school anglers. Weigh-ins will begin at 1 p.m. for the junior anglers with senior anglers to follow soon after.
The weigh-ins are a full production with an emcee, music, and substantial prizes awarded for the top ten weights. There are 85 anglers registered for the league heading into this week with registration still open to the public. Students interested in joining the AHSBA may visit the league’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ahsbafishing). Registration is $100. The fee covers a jersey and insurance/registration with the Student Angler Federation. This qualifies league members for state and national SAF events.
For more information, league organizers my be reached at ahsbafishing@gmail.com or send a message to the league’s Facebook page.

Season schedule:
August 24 - Allatoona
September 14 - Weiss
October 12 - Carters
November 9 - Lanier
February 29 - Allatoona
March 28 - Neely Henry
April 18 - Lanier
May 16 - Classic (location TBD)
Participating schools include:
Adairsville Middle
Calhoun Middle
Cartersville Middle
Cass Middle
Cedartown Middle
Red Top Middle
South Paulding Middle
Woodland Middle
Adairsville High
Calhoun High
Cartersville High
Cass High
Cedartown High
Central High
Gordon Central High
Pickens County High
Rockmart High
Sonoraville High
South Paulding High
Woodland High
AHSBA also has a growing number of home school students registered.
Gold Corporate Sponsor:
Yamaha Pro Fishing
Bronze Corporate Sponsors:
JCSB Trucking
Mission Tire
Goldcrest Motorsports
Sublime Wear USA, jersey vendor, works with the league on production cost in return for some advertisement. New Beginning Signs has donated more time, skill, and product with graphics than we could possibly put a number on so the league would like to recognize them as well.
Adult Leaders:
The organization at large is led by Matt and Kristen Martin. Matt is the face of the league. He does the legwork on tournament day with blastoff and weigh-in, handles communication across school teams and with parents, works with sponsors, and works with vendors. Kristen does the legwork behind the scenes with finances, maintaining the points database, handling the SAF paperwork, league and tournament registration, and scholarships. James Hall of JDH Electric is filling a new role for us by serving as the team chaplain, and he will be traveling to all tournaments with us this year. Jeremy Ray and David Adams work primarily with their school teams, but both of these gentlemen have been on board with AHSBA since day one, and not many decisions get made without their input.
School specific leaders/contacts:
Adairsville - David Adams and Chris Martin
Cartersville - Clay Walker and Jeremy Ray
Cass - Rusty and Carol Martin
Calhoun & Gordon County - Jamie and Susan Mills
Paulding County - Wayne Meadows
Polk County - Chet Cleland and Aaron Wood
Woodland - Chuck Moore