Middle school tennis camp June 3-6 at Woodland High School

Woodland High School is offering a middle school tennis camp June 3-6 from 9 a.m. to noon each day at the school’s tennis courts. Instruction will be provided by Woodland High School coach Beth Heath and current members of the Woodland High School tennis teams. Coach Heath is a retired Bartow County Physical Education teacher with 12 years of high school coaching experience. She is a former collegiate player and teaching professional. Coach Heath continues to play tennis with USTA, ALTA, and Ultimate Tennis. She also continues to teach private and group lessons. The camp will include (1) fundamental skill development, (2) a camp t-shirt, (3) daily contests and games, and (4) assistance from current WHS players. The camp is for rising 6th - 8th graders and is $50 per student due on the first day of the camp. Cash or checks made payable to WHS Tennis. To register or receive additional information, contact Beth Heath at 770.655.2758 or email — bbheath1@comcast.net.