Cartersville Little League Dodgers, Tigers remain unbeaten

All the teams are four games into the 2019 Cartersville Little League Major baseball season and the Dodgers and Tigers remain unbeaten and atop the league standings. Below are game capsules for Monday and Tuesday, March 18-19.
Cartersville Little League Majors

Monday, March 18
TIGERS 14, COLTS 4 TIGERS: Cam Williams four hits, three RBI; Bodie Brumlow two hits including a triple, two RBI; Casen Cochran two hits including a double, one RBI; Cameron Cochran two hits including a double; Dawson Sutton one hit, four RBI; Lyle Woody one hit. Cameron Cochran (0.2 IP, 0R, 1H, 1BB, 1K); Brumlow (1.1 IP, 0R, 1BB, 4K); Matthew Morris (0.2 IP, 2ER, 2H, 1BB); Dixon Lindsey (1 IP, 2R, 1ER, 0H, 3BB); Williams (0.1 IP, 1BB). COLTS: Traver Groves two doubles, one RBI; James Manring one double; Collier Jordan two RBI. Clint Hosea (3 IP, 11R, 5ER, 9H, 4BB, 3K); Jordan (0.2 IP, 3ER, 1H, 2BB, 1K); Manring (0.1 IP, 0R, 2H).
DODGERS: Ben Norwood one double, two RBI; William Nelson, Landen Heath, and Carter Rice one hit and one RBI each. Isaiah Martin and Talan Nix added one hit apiece. Martin (4 IP, 0R, 2H, 1BB, 4K); Peyton Bowen (1 IP, 0R, 1H, 3K); Nix (0.2 IP, 4R, 3ER, 2H, 2BB, 1K); Nelson (0.1 IP, 1K).
CRACKERS: JP Heater two hits including one double, two RBI; Gavin Baxter, Braden Mulkey, Benjamin Turcotte one hit each. Cooper Norris (2 IP, 4R, 0ER, 3H, 3BB, 1K); Heater (3 IP, 3ER, 3H, 1BB, 5K).
Tuesday, March 19
INDIANS: Maddox Frazier one triple, one RBI; Jake Johnson one hit, one RBI; Owen Dunn one RBI. Dunn (4 IP, 3ER, 2H, 3BB, 4K); Logan Shrewsbury (2 IP, 0R, 0H, 1BB, 6K). BRAVES: Thomas Peters one double, two RBI; Luke Parker one double, one RBI. Peters (4.1 IP, 4R, 2ER, 1H, 4BB, 7K); Sydney Seigler (0.2 IP, 0R, 1H, 1K).

PHILLIES 5, PADRES 1 PHILLIES: Nolan Elrod three hits, one RBI; Griffin Woodall two hits; Harris Turner one hit, two RBI; Brodie McWhorter and Bear McWhorter one hit each. Elrod (4 IP, 1ER, 5H, 2BB, 10K); Turner (1 IP, 0R, 1H, 1BB, 2K); Nic Wright (1 IP, 0R, 2H). PADRES: Tristan McKibben three hits including a double, one RBI; John Brady Nichols two hits; Logan Buchanan and Jay Sheldon one hit each. Buchanan (2 IP, 4ER, 4H, 1BB, 5K); McKibben (2.2 IP, 0R, 1H, 1BB, 5K); Julian Cline (0.2 IP, 1ER, 1BB, 1K); Sheldon (0.2 IP, 3H).
TIGERS: Cameron Cochran three doubles, three RBI; Lyle Woody one hit, two RBI; Noah Pogue one double; Brayden Channell one hit. Channell (6 IP, 0R, 1H, 0BB, 5K). CRACKERS: Blake Genrich one hit. Braden Mulkey (3.1 IP, 3R, 1ER, 4H, 0BB, 1K); Dallen Fuqua (1.2 IP, 5R, 0ER, 2H, 1BB, 1K).
DODGERS: Landen Heath two hits including a double and a home run with four RBI; Peyton Bowen two hits including a double, four RBI; Carter Rice two hits, one RBI; Peyton Emery one hit, three RBI; Talan Nix one hit, two RBI; Isaiah Martin and Will Feuerbach one hit, one RBI each; Ben Norwood and William Nelson one hit each. Bowen (4 IP, 0R, 0H, 3BB, 11K). COLTS: Collier Jordan (1.2 IP, 10ER, 3H, 8BB, 1K); Reed Ezell (1.1 IP, 9ER, 9H, 2BB, 1K).
Thursday’s Games Colts vs. Dodgers, 5:45, JFH
Indians vs. Braves, 5:45, RY Padres vs. Phillies, 7:45, JFH
Tigers vs. Crackers, 7:45, RY
Dodgers . . . . . . . . 4-0 Tigers . . . . . . . . . . 4-0
Phillies . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Indians . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Padres . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Braves . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Crackers . . . . . . . 0-4
Colts . . . . . . . . . . 0-4

Little League results are provided to Bartow Sports Zone by Bartow County Little League and Cartersville Little League. The game data is shared by the leagues via GameChanger reports from the respective teams and/or leagues. Results and capsules are sponsored on Bartow Sports Zone by Play It Again Sports and CiCi's - Beyond Pizza, both located in the Cartersville Main Street - Cherokee Place Shopping Center.