Woodland runner-up, Cass eighth at McCallie wrestling invitational

Woodland finished runner-up and Cass placed eighth at the 30-team McCallie Invitational Wrestling Tournament Saturday in Chattanooga.
The prestigous event annually draws some of the top competition from Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and the Carolinas.
Host McCallie won the tournament title with 209.5 points. Woodland was next with 193.5 and North Hall (GA) finished third with 166 points. Cass totaled 125.5.
Woodland’s Caden McCrary (113-pounds), Kyle Gollhofer (120-pounds), and Cody Cochran (160-pounds) won their respective weight classes.
Cass’ Tripp Breeden (220-pounds) and Seven Richards (Heavyweight) were both runner-up in their weight divisions.
Richards, who was ranked 20th nationally this past week in the Heavyweight division, lost 1-0 in the finals to nationally 18th-ranked River Henry of McCallie in the finals.
Other top finishes for locals included a fourth place for Woodland’s Gavin Nix (126-pounds), fourth place by Tyler Pilcher of Cass (132-pounds), and sixth place by the Colonels’ Ben Mills (126-pounds).
Cass and Woodland will compete in the 49-team Buford High School Takedown Invitational December 22-23.