CPRD taking registrations for youth baseball, tennis programs

The City of Cartersville Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registrations for Tee League and Bantam League baseball Monday, February 20 - Sunday, March 15.
The leagues are for players ages 4-5 and 6-7.
Information and online registration is available at cityofcartersville.org or call 770-387-5626.
Tennis registration is also available through CPRD.
Session Dates:
Session 4: January 2 - February 10
Session 5: Febraury 13 - March 24
Session 6: March 27 - May 12
QuickStart Tennis Tots is an introductory program for beginners ages 3-5. The sessions are Tuesday and/or Thursdays from 3:30-4pm. Fees — One meeting per week: $48 for session. Two meetings per week: $90 for session.
Quick Start Beginner I & II is an introductory program for ages 6-10 and 11-14. The sessions are Monday and/or Wednesday from 4-5pm (Beginner I) and 5-6pm (Beginner II). Fees — One meeting per week: $60 for session. Two meetings per week: $110 for session.
Junior Level 5 Intermediate I and II is the next step program for ages 7-10 and 11-14. The sessions are Tuesday and/or Thursday from 4-5pm (Intermediate I) and 5-6pm (Intermediate II). Fees — One meeting per week: $60 for session. Two meeting per week: $110 for session.
CPRD now offers online registration for most programs. To register online please visit the Cartersville Parks and Recreation Department website:
>Departments >Parks & Recreation
>Online Registration