Woodland Middle teams, Cartersville individuals take Hurricane Alley Middle School cross country tit

The girls and boys cross country teams at Woodland Middle School swept the Hurricane Alley 2K host by Cartersville Tuesday at Dellinger Park.
The Woodland Middle School girls placed first with 26 points, taking five of the top ten individual spots in the race.
Cartersville, led by individual champion Emily Bush (13:36.47), finished second with 45 points. Dalton (90), Ashworth (146), and Adairsville (234) rounded out the top five teams. Red Bud (262), Cass (274), South Central (446), and Excel completed the field of nine teams.
The Woodland MIddle School boys team placed first with 42 points, closely followed by Dalton (49) and Cartersville (50). Seven Woodland runners finished in the top fourteen. Cartersville had three individual runners in the top seven places.
Ashworth (153) was the fourth place team, folowed by Adairsville (205), Red Bud (264), South Central (367), Cass (418), and Excel (536).
Cartersville Middle School’s Bill Archer won the individual title with a time of 11:51.64.
Girls Race Top Runners
Emily Bush, Cartersville, 13:36.47
Makenzie Spinks, Woodland, 14:08.78
Erika Boatner, Woodland, 14:19.65
Cora Stepp, Ashworth, 14:25.89
Piercy Gierlak, Woodland, 14:25.89
Carlee Brock, Ashworth, 14:27.09
Avery Hill, Woodland, 14:28.46
Brianna Kim, Cartersville, 14:43.83
Morgan Tompkins, Woodland, 14:44.65
Dayliegh Dress, Red Bud, 14:45.65
Alice Terry, Cartersville, 14:46.37
Jaxiry Betancourt, Cartersville, 14:47.47
Gracie Hill, Cartersville, 14:47.85
Lexi Bubriek, Woodland, 14:53.67
Gisselle Carrasco, Woodland, 14:54.94
Boys Race Top Runners
Bill Archer, Cartersville, 11:51.64
Alex Martinez, Dalton, 11:57.82
Davis Williams, Cartersville, 12:02.27
Christian Gough, Woodland, 12:06.31
Graham, Woodland, 12:08.25
Michael G., Dalton, 12:26.34
Joel Zazueta, Cartersville, 12:34.76
Alan Osono, Ashworth, 12:39.81
Victor, Dalton, 12:42.45
Thurman Tyler, Woodland 12:45.00
Knox Bryant, Woodland, 12:45.93
JT Forsyth, Woodland, 12:50.23
Ben Novo, Woodland, 12:53.35
Gabe Shepard, Woodland, 12:54.15
The girls race included 133 competitors. 176 runners competed in the boys race.
The 2016 Bartow-Gordon Middle School Athletic Association cross country championship is slated for Thursday, September 29. Woodland Middle School is the host. The race will be held at Sam Smith Park.