Local alumni football game is scheduled for Saturday, August 20

What has been the Cass-Cartersville alumni football game will now take on a new look in 2016.
The game will be played Saturday, August 20 at 7:30pm at Earl Cunningham Stadium located at the old Cass campus on Grassdale Road.
The new format will be a City vs. County format which makes former players at Adairsville and Woodland eligible to play for the county team.

The Cass alumni team won the first two meetings with Cartersville in this event.
Administrative control of the game has now transitioned from the schools, to the alumni players themselves.
Proceeds from pre-sale tickets will benefit the Bartow County Parks and Recreation Department. Tickets sold on game day will go to Alumni Football USA.
Advanced sale tickets are available at Champ’s Barbershop, Jefferson’s Restaurant, and Melissa and Co. Salon.

Several other activities for the event are planned, including a car show, barbeque cookoff, recognition of former homecoming queens, military service recognitions, and the teams will have cheerleaders.
The teams have already started practices and more information for players is available at alumnifootballusa.com.

For additional information on the game, contact Alex Tucker (County) at 770-608-3211 or Adam Williams (City) at 678-986-9027. Cheerleaders may contact Melissa Porter at 770-386-2252.