2nd annual Vic Beasley/FCA 5-on-5 basketball tourney is September 3

Former Adairsville High School star, Clemson Tigers' All-American, and current Atlanta Falcons' linebacker Vic Beasley, Jr., teams up again with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to present their 2nd annual 5-on-5 basketball tournament at Adairsville High School.
The tournament will take place Saturday, September 3. All participants will receive a t-shirt and all proceeds benefit the FCA at Adairsville High School and Adairsville Middle School.
The entry fee is $100 per team and admission will be charged for spectators. The entry deadline is August 26.
Entry forms are available online: http://www.edlinesites.net/files/_TDDc0_/1d614dafa113cb743745a49013852ec4/Vic_Beasley_Jr_and_FCA_2nd_Annual_Tournament.pdf
Registration forms must be returned to AHS athletic director, Meredith Barnhill, at Adairsville High School. For more info, email: meredith.barnhill@bartow.k12.ga.us