Football showcase available to high school players June 15 at LakePoint

The Cartersville High School football program and Canes’ head coach Joey King will host a high school football showcase at LakePoint Sporting Community in Emerson on Wednesday, June 15.
Event registration is $40 and is available online at
Registration will also take place from 10am to 10:45am Wednesday morning. The one-day showcase for grades 9-12 is for all positions and will run through 3pm.
Guest coaches from NCAA D-I schools and all other collegiate levels are participating — including coaching staff members from Georgia Tech, Georgia, Kennesaw State, Georgia Southern, Reinhardt University, Chattanooga, and Colorado State. The event is limited to 300 participants and will take place on the multi-purpose fields at LakePoint. Participants will receive a t-shirt and should dress in shorts and cleats. Quarterbacks and kickers should bring their own footballs. A LakePoint Sports waiver is also a requirement.
"Coaches from every scholarship level of college football will be here evaluating talent," said Cartersville head football coach Joey King. "We don't want anyone to miss out on this opportunity."