GHSA releases statement regarding weather impact on schedules

With winter weather impacting high school sports schedules this weekend, the Georgia High School Association has released a statement regarding makeup dates and rescheduling.
Bartow County and Cartersville City school systems have cancelled all extra curricular activities for this weekend.
Inclimate weather has created a number of rescheduling concerns, particularly for the sport of basketball. The GHSA office therefore is making the following announcements concerning this issue:
1. All "region/Area" contests must be completed on time. There will be NO extension of region play past the published deadline. 2. Schools may reschedule as many contests as they wish on school days that have a starting time of earlier than 6:00 p.m. 3. Schools may reverse the order of play (girl/boy or boy/girl) on school days in which the starting time is 6:00 p.m., or later. 4. The GHSA is waiving the 100-mile travel rule on nights before school days for the remainder of this season. 5. Region/Area tournaments are "post-season" events and thus MAY be played during the school day. 6. Any other scheduling issues must be cleared through basketball coordinator Ernie Yarbrough at the GHSA office.