BCRD youth football, soccer head to state tourneys this weekend

The Bartow County Recreation Department will be represented this weekend by four different teams at Georgia Recreation and Parks Association state tournaments. Three youth football teams, 8U, 10U, and 12U all stars will be in Dalton vying for state titles, plus the U12 girls soccer all star team will be in Jefferson for that state tournament. Below are the schedules for each state tournament and the roster for the BCRD teams.

8U Football North Georgia Regional Harmon Field, Dalton, GA Sat. Dec. 5
10am — Dalton vs. Walton Co.
Sun. Dec. 6 10am — Bartow Co. vs. Sat. winner
8U Football State Championship Sat. Dec. 12 10 am — North Ga. winner vs. Valdosta
10U Football State Tournament
Harmon Field, Dalton, GA
Sat. Dec. 5
12 noon — Dalton vs. Walton County
TBA — Valdosta vs. Columbia County
Sun. Dec. 6
12 noon — Bartow Co. vs. Dalton/Walton Co. winner TBA — South Bryan vs. Valdosta/Columbia Co. winner
Sat. Dec. 12
12 noon — Championship Game
12U Football State Tournament Harmon Field, Dalton, GA Sat. Dec. 5 2pm — Dalton vs. Walton County TBA — Valdosta vs. Columbia County Sun. Dec. 6 2pm — Bartow Co. vs. Dalton/Walton Co. winner
Sat. Dec. 12 2pm — Championship Game

U12 Girls Soccer State Tournament Jefferson Sports Complex, Jefferson, GA Fri. Dec. 4 6pm — Bartow Co. vs. Jefferson 7:30pm — Calhoun vs. Columbia Co.
Sat. Dec. 5
10:30am — Bartow Co./Jefferson winner vs. Camden Co.
1:30pm — State Championship Game
Rosters for the Bartow County teams are listed below.
Lucas Baker, Ja’kai Baldwin, Tylan Beeman, Devyn Brown, Aiden Caylor, Cameron Cochran, Casen Cochran, Xavior Darby, Reed Ezell, Anterrius Hames, Aderion Harris, Grady Higgins, Judd Hyde, Gavin Johnson, Isaiah Livsey, Kyron McClendon, Kolt McCord, Kelson Mitchell, Talan Nix, Logan Shrewsbury, Zachary Wallace, Righley Worthington, Nicolas Wright. Head Coach: Kevin Nix. Assistants: LaShon Darby, Geoff Shrewsbury, and Luke Bunce.
Easton Adams, Kace Adams, Sebastian Boggs, William Buttrum, Martavius Cochran, Caleb Cooley, Caden Copeland, Jake Crapps, Collin Fletcher, Adrian Harris, Truitt Hayworth, Devin Henderson, Kevin Henderson, Richard Houston, Hunter Kelly, Jamarian Pullum, Kymoni Pullum, Chris Roper, Evan Sanders, Jaylen Scott, Jaeden Smith, and Madix Young. Head Coach: Jody Fletcher. Assistants: Tarvis Scott, T.J. Pullum, and Calvin Cooley.
Jaiden Avalos, Zachary Bootz, Jordan Carson, James Gaines, Tommy Good, Chris Green, Emmanuel Hayes, Nicholas Johnson, Santino Jones, Elijah Knight, Thomas Knight, Isaac Linley, Ian Lowe, JaQualyn Mayhall, Keylan McCarty, Jackson Moss, Andrew Murray, Andrew Nguyen, Devin Pryer, Caleb Wise, Chandler Wise, Tifton Worthington, Toronto Wynn. Head Coach: Joel Green. Assistants: Terance Benham, Richard Murray, and Terance Echols.
BARTOW COUNTY U12 GIRLS SOCCER ALL-STARS Sarah Beth Brownlee, Addisen Coker, Giorgia Conduff, McKenzie Gordon, Alana Hennon, Mikaela Jackson, Kaylee Jordan, Annie McCormick, Peyton McMillan, Samantha Pasley, Mia Scott, Ansley Self, Olivia Talarico. Coach: Bucky Conduff.
Youth football information is supplied by the Bartow County Recreation Department and the Cartersville Parks and Recreation Department and is sponsored on Bartow Sports Zone by CiCi's Pizza of Cartersville at Cherokee Place.