LakePoint has a dozen different baseball tournaments now through August 3

Back to school plans may already be taking place locally, but baseball is still in full swing at Perfect Game Park South in the LakePoint Sporting Community in Emerson.
The park has played host to many different travel baseball events this summer, including the WWBA National Championships with more than 300 teams in each age category. Even though those larger events have determined their national champs, there are plenty of titles yet to be determined at the park for teams from all over the country.
Below is the baseball scheduled through August 3 at LakePoint:
Continuing through July 28 — 2015 13u Perfect Game World Series
Continuing through July 28 — 2015 14u Perfect Game World Series
Continuing through July 29 — 2015 16u Perfect Game World Series
July 26-30 — 2015 15u Perfect Game World Series
July 29 - August 2 — 2015 Perfect Game Evoshield Classic (13u - 18u tournaments)
July 29 - August 3 — 2015 Super 25 for 15u and 16u