Fluellen, Brown hosting annual football and cheer camp at Cartersville High

In conjunction with the Cartersville Parks and Recreation Department, the Andre Fluellen / Ronnie Brown Summer Football & Cheer Camp will be at Cartersville High School on Saturday, June 20.
Cartersville natives and NFL stars Andre Fluellen and Ronnie Brown will lead instruction for football athletes ages 8 to 18.
The cheerleading instruction for the camp will be led by Brittani Richards, Golden Girls Dance Team Coach at Florida State University. The cheerleading instruction is for ages 5 to 18.
Participants may register at www.fluellenbrowncamp.com. For additional information, contact Nakia Clarke at 404-232-0555.
On site registration for the cheer camp will begin at 7am on the day of the camp with instruction from 8am until 11am.
On site registration for the football camp will begin at 8am on the day of the camp with instruction from 9am until 11am.